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The Lyman School Assessment Information

Lyman School District Assessment Overview

Test: South Dakota Assessments

Grades: 3-8, 11

Subject Assessed: ELA, Mathematics

Purpose: State required summative assessment measuring English Language Arts and Math achievement.

Source: South Dakota Department of Education

Estimated time Spent When Administered: ELA: 3-4 hours, Math: 2-4 hours

Test Window: March-May

Results: Mailed home with final report cards at the end of the school year

Test: South Dakota Alternative Assessment

Grades: 3-8, 11

Subjects: ELA, Mathematics

Purpose: For students with the most severe cognitive disabilities

Source: South Dakota Department of Education

Estimated Times Spent when Administering: Testing times vary greatly for each participant

Testing Window: March - May

Results: Mailed home when available.

Test: South Dakota Science Assessment

Grades: 5, 8, 11

Subjects: Science

Purpose: State required summative assessment measuring Science achievement

Source: South Dakota Department of Education

Time Spent when Administered: 1.5-3 hours

Testing Window: March - May

Results: Mailed home with final report cards at the end of the school year

Test: South Dakota Science Alternative Assessment

Grades: 5, 8, 11

Subjects: Science

Purpose: For students with the most severe cognitive disabilities

Source: South Dakota Department of Education

Time spent when administered: Testing times vary greatly for each participant

Testing window: March - May

Results: Mailed home when available.

Test: NAEP

Grades: 4, 8 (every other year)

Subjects: Reading or Mathematics

Purpose: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) measures national and state reading and mathematics achievement. Periodically other subjects are assessed.

Source: South Dakota Department of Education

Time spent when administered: Testing times vary greatly for each participant

Testing Window: February

Results: Data only reported at the state level. No individual student data collected

Test: NCRC

Grades: 12

Subjects: Applied mathematics, Locating Information, and Reading for Information

Purpose: National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) program is a n industry-recognized, portable credential certifying essential skills needed for workplace success.

Source: District

Time spent when administered: 3 hours/ 1x per year

Testing window: October

Results: Given to students once results are received.


Grades: 11

Subjects: Military aptitude

Purpose: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a qualification for enlistment assessment and assesses other mechanical aptitudes.

Source: District

Time spent when administered: 3 Hours/ 1x per year

Testing Window: October/November

Results: Given to students once results are received.

Test: NWEA MAPS Assessment

Grades; 1st Grade - 10th Grade

Subjects: Mathematics, Science, Reading, Language

Purpose: Benchmark Assessment tool used to gauge student learning and proficiency in the subject areas.

Source: District

Time spent when administered: 3 hours/ 3x per year

Testing windows: August, December, and May

Results: Fall and Spring Conferences/Mailed home with final report cards at the end of the school year

Test: CORE Phonics Screener

Grades: K - 1st Grade; 2nd Grade - 5th Grade as needed

Subjects: Reading

Purpose: Screening tool used to assess reading skills.

Source: District

Time spent when administered: 20 minutes as needed

Testing window: August, December and May

Results: Fall and/or Spring Conferences